I'm using nmap 7.6 to scan my local wired network every minute.
The problem is that the scan results are flaky: Sometimes hosts are missing in the result, although they are definitively available (e.g. the router that I use to get into this network). A minute later, the same scan finds the machine again.
My nmap command is:
nmap -sS -n -p T:21,22,80,443,2101,9009\
-oX "/tmp/nmap-`date -u --rfc-3339=seconds`"\
nmap reports hosts as "up" in the XML file because of ARP responses:
<status state="up" reason="arp-response" reason_ttl="0"/>
The hosts that are reported as "missing" change from case to case; it's not always the same host that is reported missing.
My questions are now:
- Why does nmap not detect the hosts as up?
- What can I do to improve reliablility of the scans?
nmap seems to have a bug that I stumbled over: https://github.com/nmap/nmap/issues/92