When (re-)joining an EL7 system to the AD domain, something somewhere issues a dynamic dns update for $FQDN. How can I suppress that?
The sssd.conf itself is pre-populated with
dyndns_update = false
dnydns_iface = eno1, eth0, otherpossibleprimarynicnames
I do not suffer from wanton dynamic dns updates during regular operations. But when re-joining the AD domain, all the ethernet cards' IP addresses magically show up in dns, which then causes havoc.
On EL6, I use the net ads join
which has a nice option: --no-dns-updates
but I see no equivalent option for the realm command.
If no options come up, I might just fall back to net ads join on EL7 and discard the "new and improved" realmd.
I was simply unable to suppress the dynamic dns update action of realm. I reverted to using
net ads join