I have 2 virtualhosts on my current apache installation, associated to the domains dailymaker.net and dailymaker.com.br; for each one, I have configured a multisite wordpress with 3 subdomains (which are the same for both domains).
The first one I set up was dailymaker.com.br:
— apache configuration —
ServerAdmin deleted email
DocumentRoot /home/kleber/www/dailymaker_br
ServerName dailymaker.com.br
ServerAlias www.dailymaker.com.br
ServerAlias *.dailymaker.com.br
for each subdomain created with wordpress, I have a virtualhost configuration which looks like that:
ServerName space.dailymaker.com.br
ServerAdmin deleted email
The osecond domain I set up was dailymaker.net:
ServerAdmin deleted email
DocumentRoot /home/kleber/www/dailymaker
ServerName dailymaker.net
ServerAlias www.dailymaker.net
ServerAlias *.dailymaker.com.br
for this domain, I also have virtualhost configurations for each subdomain created with wordpress which looks like that:
ServerName space.dailymaker.net
ServerAlias dailymaker.space
ServerAlias www.dailymaker.space
ServerAdmin deleted email
The problem I am having now it’s when I try visit either the main page or dashboard for each subdomain from dailymaker.com.br, I am redirect to this url:
In the case of dailymaker.net, visiting the main page shows the default index page of apache, but the dashboard is shown normally.
Someone can give a hint of what’s possibly going wrong here?
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