I am actually writing a simple script to zip a local game save then upload the zip file into my s3 bucket.
Somehow it gives me this error though.
The most I can find googling around is about filesize + adding --region
init which doesn't help at all.
somehow for testing, I created an empty folder, with just a random text file with random words in it. Let's call the folder name AA
I zipped it using zip -r filename.zip AA
the zip works fine
Then I do the s3 cp
as such
aws s3 cp filename.zip s3://BUCKET_NAME/public/ --profile myProfile
This works fine though, then I changed the folder name to my game save name let's say it's called BB then I did aws s3 cp filename.zip s3://BUCKET_NAME/public/ --profile myProfile
again then I get the error of
upload failed: ./filename.zip to s3://BUCKET_NAME/public/filename.zip ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))
The folder is only approx 5mb and after zipped, it's approx 500kb. So size wouldn't have been the matter even though I did try to get the ./aws/config
and add the bandwith
If I create another new folder with random files inside let's say folder name is CC. It would work.
If I changed the folder name of the actually folder I want to upload after zipped. I get the same error.
Is there any restriction on what files can / cannot be uploaded to aws? Or else what might be the reason? I can't really think of much though.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions / advices.
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