My company ( is in the process of merging its operation with another one ( and both are Microsoft shops with Exchange 2010 SP3. The 2 networks are linked by an IPSEC tunnel.
We set up DNS conditional forwarding on each side. In network, we conditionally forward all DNS hostname request to internal DNS Server In network, we conditionally forward all DNS hostname request to internal DNS Server
We then allow TCP/UDP 53 to flow through the IPSEC tunnel.
After that, we found out that in, when we try to send email to [email protected], the emails are all stuck in the queue viewer of the Edge server with no error code.
1) In, I went to the Edge server, in EMC / Edge Transport / Properties / External DNS Lookups, the DNS servers are all valid external DNS servers. I did NSLOOKUP on the Edge server and was able to resolve external nicely.
2) I turned on verbose for Protocol Logging of the Send Connectors but the SMTPSend file does not record anything stuck in the queue.
3) I have a feeling that the Edge Server disregards the External DNS lookups and go straight to the conditional forwarder to get this the internal MX record of instead. Because internally @xyz does not have any MX record and so it was therefore stuck in the queue.
Any thoughts?
To satisfy your requirement, I suggest you that create a forest trust between and and then create cross-forest send connectors.
More details about how to configure forest trust and cross-forest send connectors: Create a one-way,outgoing,forest trust & Configure a cross-forest Send connector
Best regards,
Ivan Wang
Please refer to the link below for the solution