I am searching for a possibility to sync a carddav server with a openldap server. practically i need something that can read the carddav and update the ldap server.
both , the carddav server and the openldap server ar on the same computer. The addresses in the carddav server are either VCARD VERSION 3 (.vcf) or VCARD VERSION2 (.ics) files. The files are located in /var/lib/carddav and the OpenLdap server database is located in /var/lib/ldp/data.mdb.
Q&A Section:
What fields are you looking to sync from a CardDAV to an OpenLDAP? Answer: The Fields of a VCARD Version 2 or Version 3. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCard
What is the CardDAV product? Answer: A address-book, or in LDAP language a user-list. The sync tool must connect to carddav and take the user-list and the data and move it to the ldapserver.
Are you using plain OpenLDAP or another product that uses it? Answer: plain OpenLDAP
Please provide extra info about the context and the objective, maybe the way of accomplishing it are not what you are thinking Answer: I want to sync the user-list. This means when I change something on the carddav it should sync the changing on the openldap. And vice-versa.
Update 2020/07/27 I am still interested in this. I am now able to read the carddav server and detect new cards and copy them to a database. But I am not able to write the records to the openldap server. So now I would be interested to find any open piece of code who can read and write to openldap.
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