I have a CA setup on Server 2012 R2, the person who ran the server left the company and I have setup a new CA server.
I am trying to figure out what systems / URL's the certs are for.
In the List of Issued Certificated is the following:
Request ID: 71
Requester Name: DOMAIN\UserName
Certificate Template: Basic EFS (EFS)
Serial Number: 5f00000047c60993f6dff61ddb000000000047
Certificate Effective Date: 11/05/2015 8:46
Certificate Expiration Date: 11/04/2016 8:46
Issued Country/Region:
Issued Organization:
Issued Organization Unit: Org Users Employees
Issued Common Name: Employee Name <-- Acutal Name of Employee
Issued City:
Issued State:
Issued Email Address:
When I ask the employee why they requested the certificate they don't remember why or what system it was for.
I am looking for a way to see all requested certs and what machines they are tied to:
Things I have tried/Googled:
A command similar to Netstat that could tell me any listening or established connection to the server on 443, I may be way off base on my logic and thinking.
I have looked through the event viewer looking at the "Certificate Effective Date: 11/05/2015 8:46" time stamp and cannot find any logs that show me anything.
I tried to look at the database using certutil command however I have to stop the service before I can view the database, looking over the schema it looks like a lot of the information I am looking for might be in there.
If i stop the service will SSL certs still be ok or will the end user get that SSL warning?
If I take a backup of the database can i move the file to a differnet PC and be able to read it.
Does anyone know if I will be able to find what servers / URL's are using the certs on my CA?
Is there a different better way I can find the information?