How do I set the Classic ASP Session timeout in IIS 8.5 using powershell?
I've taken a look at using Set-WebConfigurationProperty
but can't work out how to use it correctly.
How do I set the Classic ASP Session timeout in IIS 8.5 using powershell?
I've taken a look at using Set-WebConfigurationProperty
but can't work out how to use it correctly.
I'm on a Mac trying to locally host a copy of an old ASP-based site for testing purposes. Not (yet) using mod_mono for Apache, just the basic standalone XSP server. It was enough of an ordeal just getting to the point where I can at least display a ASP.NET error page from localhost.
If I point it to a .htm or .html file, it serves it up without complaint. But every ASP file I try gives an "Access Forbidden" error.
I'm guessing this means I need a config file for XSP, something like a .htaccess or web.config file, and need to whitelist those extensions as things it will serve. ( Which is pretty dumb, because why would anyone go to the trouble of installing Mono and XSP just to host static HTML files? )
xsp4 --help was no help, nor was man xsp, so here I am.
Application Exception
Access to file '/anysite/whateverpage.asp' is forbidden.
Description: HTTP 500.Error processing request.
Details: Error processing request.
Exception stack trace:
at System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler.BeginProcessRequest (System.Web.HttpContext context, System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x0005e] in <79d7580b4e46487286a5f8386a98413d>:0
at System.Web.HttpApplication+<Pipeline>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00d9c] in <79d7580b4e46487286a5f8386a98413d>:0
at System.Web.HttpApplication.Tick () [0x00000] in <79d7580b4e46487286a5f8386a98413d>:0
Version Information: 4.6.2 (Stable Tue Nov 22 22:06:40 GMT 2016); ASP.NET Version: 4.0.30319.42000
I have installed the Tracing feature and enabled failed request tracing for a website, to debug a Classic ASP website. The XML logs are created upon occurring errors, however when I open them in IE, instead of getting the nice blue interface I get a massive amount of code/text.
Why doesn't the interface load and how can I fix it?
Hopefully, this is the right Stack Exchange site to post this...
We have set up a new intranet web server (Windows 2003 - IIS 6). I have everything migrated over from the old server and the new webserver seems to be working well, except for ServerXMLHTTP. I am using Classic ASP.
I know it's not a coding issue, because it worked well on the old server.
I am calling pages from the local intranet by it's URL and getting a "msxml3.dll error '80072ee2' The operation timed out" error.
Is there some setting on the server I need to check for?
If it helps, below is a dumbed down version of the code I am using (and have been using for years):
TheURL = ""
Set xmlHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0") "GET", TheURL, false
CurrentPage = xmlHTTP.ResponseText
CurrentStatus = xmlHTTP.Status
CurrentStatusText = xmlHTTP.StatusText
CurrentReadiness = xmlHTTP.readyState
If CurrentStatus = 200 AND CurrentReadiness = 4 Then
Response.Write "We got the page"
Response.Write "Page Unavailable"
End If
Set xmlHTTP = Nothing
The script fails on xmlHTTP.send()
. So I know the dll is install otherwise it would have failed creating the object.
It acts almost like it can't find itself. But, if I log onto the server and open the browser, I can bring up the site by it's URL. I have also done a proxycfg - u
I have also compared host files on the old server and new server and didn't see any differences.
Migrated an old classic ASP application from Server 2008 R2 to a new Server 2008 R2 SP1 and having serious issues now. All set ups and configs are identical between the "old" and new servers, no code has changed, all I did was move it from one box to another.
Initially 500s will start appearing with a Server.CreateObject Failed
on CDO.Message
eventually turning into :
Unknown scripting language
/path/file.asp, line 1
The scripting language 'VBScript' is not found on the server.
There are other classic ASP sites working fine on the same server (in fact, the site this application is a part of is also classic ASP and works fine).
Simply recycling the app pool gets rid of all errors and the application works for an undetermined amount of requests. This makes me feel it is not a permissions or necessarily a config error. At the moment, as it's internally used, I have the application pool recycling every 30 minutes, but it still dies multiple times a day and we are not talking 000's of requests here, a few dozen at most.
I have duplicated the setup on another 2008 R2 SP1 box and have the same results, if it could have any bearing, these are Rackspace Cloud Servers; old ones are in the US new ones are in the UK.
I am happy to accept "coding error" as a solution, if you can give me some hints where to look and why it was fine on 2003 and 2008 R2.
My biggest concern is that these servers are supposed to be taking our entire collection of sites running happily on the US servers, some of which are also old and classic ASP, so will they all fail as well?