It seems like this should be easy. I run "ssh-keygen -l -f " (the default seems to be SHA1). All of the examples show it printing the hex-formatted digest with a little extra, harmless information. Yet, on my Mac I'm getting a useless, opaque string.
I should mention that the "-E" parameter works on Mac (10.10) but is unavailable in Ubuntu (14.04). Keep that in mind if it doesn't work for you.
$ ssh-keygen -l -E md5 -f dustin.pem
2048 MD5:29:ed:da:d3:5a:8c:78:4f:62:d3:fd:0c:77:5b:6d:d9 (RSA)
$ ssh-keygen -l -E sha1 -f dustin.pem
2048 SHA1:x2ENPL+vzVdlgkIyu0tAhVQ+H4U (RSA)
$ ssh-keygen -l -E sha256 -f dustin.pem
2048 SHA256:agJs/axI8QPzet/eoPMDxLSf37fd1bgsMX4Di0gqMy4 (RSA)
Both of the attempted SHA algorithms return opaque, but different, ASCII strings.
What am I missing? How do I get a SHA1 hex-digest without having to copy my key to a Linux system to do it?