I'm trying to automate the uninstall/install of Office. Removing 2007, installing 2010. I've downloaded the OCT and made changes as I needed. In there I can select, "Remove the following earlier versions of Microsoft Office Programs:" and you can select which to remove (default Remove All), or you can select the option "Default Setup behavior; earlier versions of installed programs are removed."
Initially I tried the Default Option, but it gave me the below error. Then I tried manually selecting the second option but leaving them all as "Remove". Same results.
I'm trying to get this done via group policy and have downladed and installed the ADM template as well, create a GPO for this OU to test in, etc. Using 2008 Server.
I've seen others online with the same error, and instructions are typically "remove the old version first" or use a third party tool (Revo), which I have used in the past with success, but on an individual uninstall/install basis, not via GPO. My end result is for a laptop to boot up on a given day, references the GPO, if it has 2007 it uninstalles 2007 and installs 2010.
Here is the error I'm getting, I'm sure it's nothing new as it's fairly prevelant online.
You cannot install the 64-bit version of Office 2010 because you have 32-bit Office products installed. These 32-bit products are not supported with 64-bit installations:
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007
If you want to install 64-bit Office 2010, you must uninstall all 32-bit Office products first, and then run setup.exe in the x64 folder. If you want to install 32-bit Office 2010, close this Setup program, and then either go to the x86 folder at the root of your CD or DVD and run setup.exe, or get the 32-bit Office 2010 from the same place you purchased 64-bit Office 2010.
Here's what I have in the config.xml file under ProPlus.WW:
REM Get ProductName from the Office product's core Setup.xml file, and then add "office14." as a prefix.
set ProductName=Office14.PROPLUS
REM Set DeployServer to a network-accessible location containing the Office source files.
set DeployServer=\\filesvr\shared\Office2010
REM Set ConfigFile to the configuration file to be used for deployment (required)
set ConfigFile=\\filesvr\shared\Office2010\ProPlus.WW\config.xml
REM Set LogLocation to a central directory to collect log files.
set LogLocation=\\filesvr\shared\Office2010\LogFiles
Any thoughts on the subject would be appreciated, thanks!