I've always installed apcu and memcached on my server, but I'm not sure how useful they are. Mostly 2-3 pages per visit are visited on my sites. And I'm not even sure if having them is a good thing or a bad thing, whether it's talking about SEO or consuming or saving server resources.
I would like to try to remove them and see what happens... But I find tons of guides on how to install them and none on how to remove them... so I have a few questions:
- is it possible to remove apcu and memcached?
- Most importantly is it possible to do it safely without destroying the server?
- and perhaps more importantly, is it such a stupid idea to remove them?
Additional information:
The server works fine, it has some spikes when a big cronjob starts (or when someone tries to attack it, but fail2ban takes care of it) but for the rest of the time it still has a lot of resources available. But slowly the memory fills up more and more, and everything is getting closer and closer to red, perhaps because of apcu or memcached?