$ ps | grep django
28006 ttys004 0:01.12 /usr/bin/python bin/django celeryd --beat
51393 ttys005 0:01.45 /usr/bin/python bin/django celeryd -l INFO
51472 ttys005 0:01.29 /usr/bin/python bin/django celeryd -l INFO
51510 ttys005 0:01.89 /usr/bin/python bin/django celeryd -l INFO
51801 ttys005 0:01.83 /usr/bin/python bin/django celeryd -l INFO
53470 ttys005 0:03.97 /usr/bin/python bin/django celeryd -l INFO
53780 ttys005 0:00.00 grep django
Is there a way to prevent the last process (that is, the grep that was started at the same time as my ps command) being reported?
(I started trying to come up with a regex that would match the literal but not match itself, but that seemed, um, not the right approach...)