I have decided to use scribe to log all the error and request details in my site for analysis. How can I use the scribe log data to analyze the data. Is there any tool for this or scribe server programs? I am using PHP as my scripting language
Steve Wilhelm
2011-08-10 14:24:49 +0800 CST
I plan on running a Facebook Scribe Server on an AWS EC2 providing logging services to several Heroku hosted Rails clients.
Is there a mechanism to authenticate Scribe clients in cloud-based scenarios like one described above? If so, can the resulting connections be secured using SSL?
2010-11-11 17:36:22 +0800 CST
Im working a new project,
Im currently deciding between
flume & scribe for messaging systems... ( most probably sent to logs or hadoop )
I cannot lose a message ever.. What are your thoughts on which is better? Configuration/reliablity/adminitration wise.
If you have used / administrated both is also quite relative to answering my question.. :D