I am invoking a python script from ansible playbook. While invoking I am passing the credentials to the python script as arguments. The password has some special characters.
But in Python script, I am receiving the password without the special characters. So password becomes incorrect and I am getting unauthorized error.
I am having this credential in Ansible tower. So I kept the both ansible playbook and python script in Git and running as a job in Ansible tower.
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
username: '{{ lookup("env","CREDS_TEST_PWD_USERNAME") }}'
password: '{{ lookup("env","CREDS_TEST_PWD_PASSWORD") }}'
- debug: var=password
- name: Invoking python script
script: python_script.py {{username}} {{password}}
executable: python
register: user_response
delegate_to: perbhd01
- debug: var=user_response
Above is the Ansible playbook which will invoke the python Script. Say the actual username and password is "ADMIN" and "Oracle$123!". But what I am getting in Python script is "ADMIN" and "Oracle123!"
This is how I am retrieving the credentials in python script.
import requests
import json
import warnings
import sys
print (password +"****from ansible****")
Please let me know if you have any idea on this issue I am facing.
Add one more variable "credential_password" like this and run the playbook. This regex_escape() will help in escaping the special characters.