I found out recently that a user with an Android phone is using TouchDown to sync with his Exchange 2003 account. What's the best way of blocking this?
I found out recently that a user with an Android phone is using TouchDown to sync with his Exchange 2003 account. What's the best way of blocking this?
Touchdown accesses the Exchange Server via ActiveSync or Outlook Web Access. You can disable those two, but chances are many of your users use the OWA (Blackberry phones not on BES use OWA also).
I don't know of a way to keep those two open AND block Touchdown.
You can disable Outlook Mobile Access from the Exchange server. http://www.msexchange.org/tutorials/OMA_Exchange_Server_2003.html. You can do this globally or just for the specific user (Properties -> Exchange Features tab).
Edit: as Joeqwerty pointed out, you need to disable UIS http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa997489(EXCHG.65).aspx