My exim4 don't send any message. The logs says
2011-03-09 15:59:57 1PxKrl-00038i-BT malware acl condition: clamd: ClamAV returned /var/spool/exim4/scan/1PxKrl-00038i-BT: lstat() failed: Permission denied. ERROR
I supose that clamav (running clamd) does'nt have access rights on the mentioned file, but clamav is in the same group as Debian-exim (running exim4). Even changing the folder permissions to a+rwx has no effect.
Any idea where to look for failure reason ?
Directory permissions on /var/spool/exim4/scan should be 750, and owned by the exim user and its primary group (on my FreeBSD systems, these are mailnull and mail, respectively).
If your clamav user has Debian-exim as a supplementary group - that is, if Debian-exim is not its primary group, then you need "AllowSupplementaryGroups yes" in your clamd.conf (and clamd must be started by root).
I had the same problem on Centos 6.2 running exim4 with clamAV, solved it by adding clam user to the mail group.