I've got an APC SC1000I which I want to set up to be monitored with NUT, likely with newhidups.
The basic config doesn't work:
# tail -n 1 /var/log/messages
Poll UPS [apc@localhost] failed - Driver not connected
What puzzles me, is that the UPS connected over USB is detected as
# lsusb
Bus 002 Device 004: ID 067b:2303 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2303 Serial Port
Is it possible to monitor this given UPS with NUT at all? A working ups.conf section would be welcome.
I've a SmartUPS 1500 and a BackUPS XS 1500 both plugged into a system and monitored by NUT. The BackUPS uses the usbhid-ups driver; the SmartUPS uses the apcsmart driver. Here's the section of
that contains both UPSes:You may want to use better names than these, though.
Note that in both cases these require a special cable. Two things to note about the SmartUPS (which APC seems to think your UPS is) - the serial cable is a special cable, and if the UPS was used with a serial cable before, then the USB port is essentially shut off. To reset the selected port, you'll have to perform some magic with the UPS.