JPrescottSanders Asked: 2011-05-26 18:41:29 +0800 CST2011-05-26 18:41:29 +0800 CST 2011-05-26 18:41:29 +0800 CST Cisco PIX 515E Remote SSH 772 What configuration lines/steps are required to enable WAN side SSH for the Cisco PIX? In addition what considerations should be made to ensure your connections are secure? cisco-pix cisco ssh 2 Answers Voted Shane Madden 2011-05-26T18:44:33+08:002011-05-26T18:44:33+08:00 If you want to allow the entire internet: ssh waninterfacename Or just a specific host: ssh waninterfacename Best Answer Max Alginin 2011-05-26T18:54:02+08:002011-05-26T18:54:02+08:00 I'm answering and downvoting for laziness, because this is clearly a case of LMGTFY:
If you want to allow the entire internet:
Or just a specific host:
I'm answering and downvoting for laziness, because this is clearly a case of LMGTFY: