Right so,
I'm trying to make a remote GPO script that from one of our management machines will push the GPUPDATE command to certain servers. After some googling I found a script that I tried to adapt / make run.
The problem however is that when I run it through the BATCH file it errors out on me when doing line 9 (to be fair it doesn't error it just exits the script)
Link to the Script through pastebin: http://pastebin.com/ugmC9uEr
script code:
@echo on
XPGPORef1=gpupdate.exe /Target:User /force
XPGPORef2=gpupdate.exe /Target:Computer /force
Win2kGPORef1=secedit.exe /refreshpolicy user_policy
Win2kGPORef2=secedit.exe /refreshpolicy machine_policy
For /f “Tokens=*” %%a in (ComputerList.txt) Do (
SET Comp_name=%%a
Ver.exe \\%comp_name% > Hostver.txt
Find /I “XP” < Hostver.txt > CheckCC.txt
IF %errorlevel% == 0 (
Psexec.exe \\%comp_name% Gpupdate.exe /Target:User /force
Psexec.exe \\%comp_name% Gpupdate.exe /Target:Computer /force
) ELSE (
Psexec.exe \\%comp_name% secedit.exe /refreshpolicy user_policy
Psexec.exe \\%comp_name% secedit.exe /refreshpolicy machine_policy
if I run the line 9 code through a DOS prompt window manually and for instance do the following:
For /f “Tokens=*” %a in (ComputerList.txt) Do ( echo %a)
it will run just fine and echo all the computersnames in the list.
Anyone mind giving me a hand ? :)
PS: This script is going to try and GPUPDATE both Win2k8/Win2K3 and Win2K computers.
It may be more beneficial to you to lower the Group Policy Refresh Interval on these servers to 5-10 minutes rather than executing a remote
on all of your servers.I can see how the ability to remotely get a machine to update the settings it gets through group policies can be beneficial. But remotely doing gpupdate's for users wont work. You need to do it in the context of the user account. I suspect your primary interest is gpupdate for computer configuration.
Would a free tool like http://www.specopssoft.com/products/specops-gpupdate be of interest? disclaimer I haven't used it.