For RedHat/CentOS/SuSE/Fedora (RedHat/RPM type distros):
rpm -qa
As a side note, if this is a relatively fresh install (no packages added after installation), you can use the ananconda-ks.cfg file and use that as base kickstart, as that contains the list of packages plus other configuration setting that was set and insatlled during the initial setup.
For a shorter list, you can list the package groups with yum:
# yum grouplist
Loaded plugins: changelog, security
Setting up Group Process
Installed Groups:
Desktop Platform
Graphical Administration Tools
Legacy UNIX compatibility
Networking Tools
Performance Tools
Perl Support
Web Server
For the common ones:
Debian/Ubuntu/Mint (for Debian/pkg type distros):
(Incidentally, on Debian/Ubuntu, you use preseed)
For RedHat/CentOS/SuSE/Fedora (RedHat/RPM type distros):
As a side note, if this is a relatively fresh install (no packages added after installation), you can use the ananconda-ks.cfg file and use that as base kickstart, as that contains the list of packages plus other configuration setting that was set and insatlled during the initial setup.
For a shorter list, you can list the package groups with yum:
Sorry for posting a new answer, I don't have any reputation to comment.
rpm -qa
is definitely going to be the way to go, but you'll get the version numbers with that command, so what you'd want to do is:rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}\n"
This will strip off the version numbers and give you just the package name, which will work better in a kickstart.