php-fpm workers are taking large amount of memory even if there has been zero traffic on the server for some time. What is this memory? Is it leaked memory (magento is on that pool) or is it some sort of php cache (I use just APC cache which should be in a shared memory somewhere though)?
Here is my config:
listen =
listen.allowed_clients =
user = www
group = www
pm = dynamic
pm.max_children = 50
pm.start_servers = 5
pm.min_spare_servers = 5
pm.max_spare_servers = 35
slowlog = /var/log/php-fpm/www-slow.log
php_admin_value[error_log] = /var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log
php_admin_flag[log_errors] = on
php_admin_value[memory_limit] = 256M
php_value[session.save_handler] = files
php_value[session.save_path] = /var/lib/php/session
EDIT: I know I am overcommiting my resources a lot here and I have already fixed that but I still wonder what this memory is and why php-fpm does not release it.
Have you tried restarting your web server and php-fpm? Not a power cycle, just killing apache/nginx & php-fpm then restarting their daemons.
For Debian based systems it would be:
Also, your top like resource viewer is weird, I was expecting plain top. Not a big deal. But... that is just me being picky.