I have an OEL server connected via fibre to a NetApp SAN. How can I view the queue depth as the OS sees it?
Output from lspci
05:00.0 Fibre Channel: QLogic Corp. ISP2532-based 8Gb Fibre Channel to PCI Express HBA (rev 02)
05:00.1 Fibre Channel: QLogic Corp. ISP2532-based 8Gb Fibre Channel to PCI Express HBA (rev 02)
08:00.0 Fibre Channel: QLogic Corp. ISP2532-based 8Gb Fibre Channel to PCI Express HBA (rev 02)
08:00.1 Fibre Channel: QLogic Corp. ISP2532-based 8Gb Fibre Channel to PCI Express HBA (rev 02)
Output from lsmod
qla2xxx 1262209 352
scsi_transport_fc 83145 1 qla2xxx
scsi_mod 199641 15 be2iscsi,ib_iser,iscsi_tcp,bnx2i,libcxgbi,libiscsi2,scsi_transport_iscsi2,scsi_dh,sr_mod,sg,qla2xxx,scsi_transport_fc,libata,cciss,sd_mod
ls /sys/class/fc_host/host*
device issue_lip port_id port_state speed subsystem supported_speeds system_hostname uevent
fabric_name node_name port_name port_type statistics supported_classes symbolic_name tgtid_bind_type
device issue_lip port_id port_state speed subsystem supported_speeds system_hostname uevent
fabric_name node_name port_name port_type statistics supported_classes symbolic_name tgtid_bind_type
device issue_lip port_id port_state speed subsystem supported_speeds system_hostname uevent
fabric_name node_name port_name port_type statistics supported_classes symbolic_name tgtid_bind_type
device issue_lip port_id port_state speed subsystem supported_speeds system_hostname uevent
fabric_name node_name port_name port_type statistics supported_classes symbolic_name tgtid_bind_type
The simplest way is
On mine to NETAPP:
So x20 is 32 in decimal, This is the # you are looking for. You can read about calculation for NETAPP here:
EDIT: some other method to see:
cat /sys/module/qla2xxx/parameters/ql2xmaxqdepth