While not being officially supported, I want to run Chef Server 12 (12.3.0) on Debian Jessie.
After fixing Debian's systemd ego trip as described in chef-cookbooks/chef-server#86, it is installing and running successfully.
However, the runit
setup seems not correct:
# chef-server-ctl status
fail: bookshelf: unable to change to service directory: file does not exist
fail: nginx: unable to change to service directory: file does not exist
I'm not yet an expert with neither systemd nor runit, but here is some debug information:
# systemctl status private_chef-runsvdir-start.service
● private_chef-runsvdir-start.service - private_chef Runit Process Supervisor
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/private_chef-runsvdir-start.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2015-11-15 14:52:13 UTC; 36min ago
Main PID: 2572 (runsvdir)
CGroup: /system.slice/private_chef-runsvdir-start.service
├─2572 runsvdir -P /opt/opscode/service log: ....................................................................................................................................................................................
├─2702 runsv rabbitmq
├─2719 ....
Inspecting the status of the sv
# sv status bookshelf
fail: bookshelf: unable to change to service directory: file does not exist
# sv status /opt/opscode/service/bookshelf/
run: /opt/opscode/service/bookshelf/: (pid 6075) 2242s; run: log: (pid 6116) 2241s
I assume that at some point sv
is missing the path parameter that runsvdir
(-P /opt/opscode/service
) got supplied. Any way to add this additional directory to the "search path" of runit
EDIT: Exporting $SVDIR
(export SVDIR=/opt/opscode/service
) helps me solve the problem at least for the current user session. Issue still is that sudo
will ignore this, wherever it is exported.
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