Have a HP p822 RAID controller with FirmWare 8.32 cabled to a HPE d2600 with 12 x 4TB SATA drives in RAID60. These are not dual-port SAS drives, but 4TB SATA drives so there is only one pathway to each drive. With either one or two miniSAS cables, there is a redundancy warning:
"799 Logical Drive 7 is degraded due to the loss of a redundant path."
How can i disable this warning such that the amber warning light is not "Crying Wolf?"
SATA Drives are HP ATA MB4000ECWLR with firmware HPG4.
Turns out pressing F2 to disable the warning at boot-up does in fact work, but is there a better way, preferably in the HP Smart Storage Administrator or hpssacucli?
f2 on the BIOS bootup screen did in fact work, i thought i had tried that before, but probably did not have the iLO window in focus. Hoping this does not hide real warnings in the future about actual broken redundant paths.