I have a pair of Brocade switches with ISLs running between them. I'd like to know if it's possible to be alerted when one of the ISL ports goes from an E_PORT to anything else (particularly a U_PORT). I am about to write a /sh script on a management box that will run a portshow command every 15 minutes and email me if it doesn't see what I need it to, but there has to be an easier way. How do you monitor your ISL ports?
I have a cluster of about 50 ubuntu nodes which are currently running maverick release. I'd like to upgrade them to oneiric, but I'm having a difficulty choosing the right tools.
I know ubuntu has the 'unattended-upgrade' utility, but it's only meant for security upgrades and cannot switch the whole release. Is there anything similar that can?
For now it seems that the only choice is to use something like fabric/pssh/capistrano and make it run 'do-release-upgrade' on each of the servers. But 'do-release-upgrade' is interactive and requires some input from the user during the upgrade. There doesn't seem to be any --unattended parameter for the 'do-release-upgrade' tool.
What kind of tactics do you use in situations like this?
I want to know what is your experience with fabric scripts? Do think it is useful? is there sample scripts for this? copying, setup service etc
I know there is puppet and chef but i am looking for something that does not use a client/server setup to deploy, setup servers etc
your thoughts?
Can I use Fabric to automatically deploy an app on my server every time I push the code to GitHub? (GitHub has the ability to POST to a URL every time I push.)
If so, how?
- Is there a more secure/better way for setting a user's password non-interactively via a Python script? My current solution uses
from a Fabric script. Another option would be to use Pexpect from within the Fabric script. - Is my current method of setting the password a security concern? The potential security concern that I see is that the password is shown as clear-text on my local terminal as follows:
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] run: echo "johnsmith:supersecretpassw0rd" | chpasswd
Since I only run the Fabric script from my laptop, I don't think this is a security issue, but I'm interested in other people's input.
I've created a Python script using Fabric to configure a freshly built Slicehost Ubuntu slice. In case you're not familiar with Fabric, it uses Paramiko, a Python SSH2 client, to provide remote access "for application deployment or systems administration tasks."
One of the first things I have the Fabric script do is to create a new admin user and set their password. Unlike Pexpect, Fabric cannot handle interactive commands on the remote system, so I need to set the user's password non-interactively. At present, I'm using the chpasswd
command, which reads the username and password as clear-text.
Current Code
# Fabric imports and host configuration excluded for brevity
root_password = getpass.getpass("Root's password given by SliceManager: ")
admin_username = prompt("Enter a username for the admin user to create: ")
admin_password = getpass.getpass("Enter a password for the admin user: ")
env.user = 'root'
env.password = root_password
# Create the admin group and add it to the sudoers file
admin_group = 'admin'
run('addgroup {group}'.format(group=admin_group))
run('echo "%{group} ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers'.format(
# Create the new admin user (default group=username); add to admin group
run('adduser {username} --disabled-password --gecos ""'.format(
run('adduser {username} {group}'.format(
# Set the password for the new admin user
run('echo "{username}:{password}" | chpasswd'.format(
Local System Terminal I/O
$ fab config_rebuilt_slice
Root's password given by SliceManager:
Enter a username for the admin user to create: johnsmith
Enter a password for the admin user:
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] run: addgroup admin
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] out: Adding group `admin' (GID 1000) ...
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] out: Done.
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] run: echo "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] run: adduser johnsmith --disabled-password --gecos ""
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] out: Adding user `johnsmith' ...
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] out: Adding new group `johnsmith' (1001) ...
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] out: Adding new user `johnsmith' (1000) with group `johnsmith' ...
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] out: Creating home directory `/home/johnsmith' ...
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] out: Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] run: adduser johnsmith admin
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] out: Adding user `johnsmith' to group `admin' ...
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] out: Adding user johnsmith to group admin
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] out: Done.
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] run: echo "johnsmith:supersecretpassw0rd" | chpasswd
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] run: passwd --lock root
[xxx.xx.xx.xxx] out: passwd: password expiry information changed.
Disconnecting from [email protected]... done.