hello I uses a jenkins groovy file to manage steps of my pipeline.
structure is just like :
> ```
> 2 pipeline 3 {
> 4 agent none
> 5
> 6 options {
> 7 timeout(time: 240, unit: 'MINUTES')
> 8 }
> 9
> 10 stages {
> 11 stage ("clean xxxxxxx") {
> 12 agent {
> 13 node {
> 14 label "xxxxxxx"
> 15 customWorkspace "F:\\xxxxxxx"
> 16 }
> 17 }
> 18 steps
> 19 {
> 20 script
> 21 {
> 22 bat """
> 23 f:
> 24 cd \\
> 25 python
> xxxxxxx/scripts/pipeline/removeOldJenkinsBuildDir.py --nbdays 30
> --delete yes 26 python
> xxxxxxx/scripts/pipeline/cleanDotConan.py f: --delete
> 27 Powershell("Get-wmiObject -Class
> win32_logicaldisk")
> 28 """
> 29 }
> 30 }
> 31 }
> ```
and so on for each nodes of my list.
my issue
if one step fails all of the rest starts and ignore message :
Stage "clean XXXXXXXX" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
so steps are skipped but I really want them to run.
my goal
set something in here maybe in steps or higher level, to avoid that skip and force all steps to be run. what can I do for that ? change options sets ? add options to each step ?
(in fact I found many exemples ; but was unable to use them or crashed :) )