I need help creating a backup script for Rackspace Cloud sites.
The sites need daily backups for both the web site & their mysql databases (some sites have as many as 4 databases), the backups then need to be ftp'd off-site.
It appears that i can only achieve this via cron jobs. Rackspace show an example backup script but only show how to push files to cloudfile storage (see below). What is the FTP syntax to push the created file to a remote server?
EDIT got it working full script is:
webroot is /mnt/stor1-wc1-dfw1/381384/****.*******.com
webroot="YOUR WEBROOT"
db_host="YOUR DB HOST"
db_password="YOUR DB PASSWORD"
db_name="YOUR DB NAME"
#Set the date and name for the backup files
date=`date '+%F-%H-%M'`
#Dump the mysql database
mysqldump -h $db_host -u $db_user --password="$db_password" $db_name > $webroot/db_backup.sql
#Backup Site
tar -czpvf $webroot/sitebackup.tar.gz $webroot/web/content/
#Compress DB and Site backup into one file
tar --exclude 'sitebackup' --remove-files -czpvf $webroot/$backupname $webroot/sitebackup.tar.gz $webroot/db_backup.sql
#Upload your files via FTP
ftp -n $ftphost <<END
user $user $password
lcd $webroot
put $backupname
#After your backup has been uploaded, remove the tar ball from the filesystem.
rm $webroot/$backupname