I have Symantec Netbackup 7.0 on windows 2008. I have configured backup jobs. I want it to send me notofications about successful and failed backups.
I can receive notifications about failed backups not about successful ones.
I have done the following steps:
I've indicated in "Master Server"->Porperties->"Global Attributes"->"Administrator email address" <-that'why I can receive notif. about failed jobs
Also I have written mail address in "Master Server"->Porperties->"Universal Settings"->"Client administrator's email" (have checked "Server sends mail" radio button)
Also I have written email address in "Clients"->Porperties->"Universal Settings"->"Client administrator's email"(have checked "Client sends mail" radio button)
What to do? As I said before, I can't get mails about successful jobs.