Pretty much the title: it possible to use a modern, 2.5″ SSD in an Apple Drive Module on a early 2008 Xserve? This would be replacing a 15k RPM SAS drive, and in most places I've looked that HDD is almost as expensive than a similarly sized SSD.
Josh Y.'s questions
Trying to clean up permissions on this IIS6 w/ PHP CGI server, it seems that several files/folders have write permissions for Everyone. (You can probably guess what is happening, repeatedly.)
So, basically, I'm looking for the equivalent of find $directory -perm 777 -exec ls -ld {} \;
I can do that first part, listing files that mention Everyone with icacls
, but can't seem to display the actual ACL:
icacls \directory /findSID *S-1-1-0 /t
Looking at the subinacl
documentation and various google results, it seems that I can use /subdirectories and /display to achieve this, but it returns immediately with no results and no errors:
C:\>subinacl /subdirectories \directory\*.* /findsid=Everyone /display
+subdirectories \directory\*.*
Elapsed Time: 00 00:00:00
Done: 0, Modified 0, Failed 0, Syntax errors 0