I have created the following systemd service to automatically keep an autossh tunnel open between two servers:
#Systemd unit file for autossh
Description=Autossh Tunnel
ExecStart=/usr/bin/autossh -M 20009 -f -N -L 3307: remoteServer
ExecStop=pkill autossh
The file is loacted in /etc/systemd/system/autossh-tunnel.service
When I run it I get the following error message:
ubuntu@verifier:~/.ssh$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
ubuntu@verifier:~/.ssh$ sudo service autossh-tunnel start
Failed to start autossh-tunnel.service: Unit autossh-tunnel.service is not loaded properly: Exec format error.
See system logs and 'systemctl status autossh-tunnel.service' for details.
ubuntu@verifier:~/.ssh$ systemctl status autossh-tunnel.service
● autossh-tunnel.service - Autossh Tunnel
Loaded: error (Reason: Exec format error)
Active: inactive (dead)
which autossh
ubuntu@verifier:~/.ssh$ which autossh
I have also tried to run the exact same command /usr/bin/autossh -M 20009 -f -N -L 3307: remoteServer
in the console and I did not have any problems. However, as a systemd service it fails.
What is wrong here? I have another server with the same setup and there this script runs without any issues. So I do not understand what is going on here...