I have a defined resource in /etc/puppet/modules/autofs/manifests/mount.pp (from the pdx-cat/autofs module at https://forge.puppetlabs.com/pdxcat/autofs).
I have a module in /etc/puppet/modules/sheffield/manifests/autofs/net.pp which is trying to use the autofs::mount defined type.
class sheffield::autofs::net {
include ::autofs
autofs::mount { '/net':
map => '',
options => '-hosts',
But when the client attempts to grab the catalog, I get the following error;
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid resource type autofs::mount at /etc/puppet/modules/sheffield/manifests/autofs/net.pp:7 on node rhel6test.shef.ac.uk
Any ideas? I thought maybe it was a problem with not being autoload the type as it has the same name (autofs) as a subclass in sheffield::autofs, so I tried renaming to sheffield::auto-fs and it made no difference.
I tried copying the mount.pp from /etc/puppet/autofs/manifests into /etc/puppet/sheffield/manifests/autofs/ and it did find the resource type, but didn't work because of a load of other missing dependencies in mount.pp (and obviously, that's not a nice solution to the problem).