Is there an easy way to determine where a specific yum group is sourced?
I can query what groups are available using yum grouplist
I can query group information using yum group info $yum_group_name
What's troubling me is I can't determine which repository a group is being sourced from.
The best I've done is find what repositories hold the group:
yum_group_name="....." # or ID
# find all repository identifiers
# perform yum commands with only 1 repository enabled
cat /etc/yum.repos.d/* | grep '\[.*\]' | grep -v '#' | tr -d '[]' | xargs -I {} -t sh -c "yum --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='{}' group info $yum_group_name 2>&1 | grep 'Group:'"
# subsequently, associate a bareurl to repository identifier
Say a group exists in multiple repositories, how do I know which one is used?