I'm trying to block/allow access to a particular vhost based on string matching of the HTTP user agent name.
The version number of the application in the HTTP user agent changes, e.g.
My%20App/1.55.01 CFNetwork/711.5.6 Darwin/14.0.0
My%20App/1.49.03 CFNetwork/711.5.6 Darwin/14.0.0
My%20App/1.35.02 CFNetwork/711.5.6 Darwin/14.0.0
I want to match everything starting with My%20App/
- anything that matches should be allowed access, anything else should get HTTP 403.
I don't want to have to update the nginx config every time a new version of the app comes along.
The following works fine:
if ($http_user_agent !~* "My%20App/1.55.01 CFNetwork/711.5.6 Darwin/14.0.0") {
return 403;
I figure I need a solution that involves hat (^
) for "starts with" but I can't get nginx to accept anything I've tried.
Thanks in advance.