I've set up a Xenserver hosting a Debian VM with Zenoss Core 4.2.4. The Xenserver has a Siemens T35 GSM Modem attached to its serial port COM1. I used ser2net + some Xenserver configuration to get it working. (COM1 binding, SELinux, ...) I created a shell script that can easily send SMS messages.
I created a trigger + notification and everything works perfectly EXCEPT that the message is empty!!!
Here is the script:
# - VAR
set ctrlz \032
set xt \135
set timeout 15
set host [lindex $argv 0]
set port [lindex $argv 1]
set number [lindex $argv 2]
set message [lindex $argv 3]
# - LOG
log_file -a sms.log;
send_log "$host $port $number:$message"
spawn telnet $host $port
sleep 1
# - SEND
send AT+CMGF=1\r;
expect "OK"
send AT+CMGS="$number"\r;
expect ">"
send "$message$ctrlz";
expect "OK"
# - END
And here is the Zenoss Page Command:
$ZENHOME/bin/sms.sh 3333 $RECIPIENT
This works in Linux as follows:
./sms.sh 3333 +32486000000 message
I just can't get the message from Zenoss in the SMS message.... I need to complete this last step to get it fully working!
If I try sending a test message from Zenoss, it also arrives but with no text...
Thank you for your time!