I've been dealing with this issue on and off for YEARS, dating back to CF 5 and 6.
Out of the blue, Coldfusion just stops delivering email, and the mail just keeps building up in the queue.
To restart the service I can restart coldfusion OR run the following code:
<cfset sFactory = CreateObject("java","coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory")>
<cfset MailSpoolService = sFactory.mailSpoolService>
<cfset MailSpoolService.start()>
The solution above is a fix noted on stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/94932/coldfusion-mail-queue-stops-processing
My goal would be to find a log or something that would help point me to the cause of the issue.
Is there a log that will tell me what is causing the mailspoolservice to crash? I can't seem to locate any errors in the CF Admin.
I have also tried to regenerate this issue, and I can't.
I'm currently running CF9 latest hotfixes applied, on windows 2008 r2