I strongly dislike antivirus software. In my opinion, the av software behaves much like a virus. The recent Symantec incident of actually causing server crashes, resource use, software interference, and user safety bias are each very problematic.
If I have locked down servers behind a firewall, with admins following security protocol (no surfing, no downloads, etc.). What benefit would I have from installing antivirus software on these machines? I must install something for insurance purposes...
When i researched AV products a few years ago, the coverage was 95% at best - and these are of known security issues. That means that the best AV protection is vulnerable to thousands of known viruses and worms.
Every single infection I have encountered has been on a machine with AV software on it. The user always says - but I have antivirus software...
Can anyone provide metrics on the utility of av software on servers that will make me feel better about having to do it?