I'm just getting started with HP Web Jetadmin 10.2 and I've set up e-mail notifications for errors. I'd also like to set up a monthly e-mail notification of the current page count, so that I can calculate the number of pages printed during the previous month and see if that number is increasing or decreasing. However, there doesn't appear to be a way to configure any sort of schedule. Am I missing something, or am I asking too much of this free utility?
EDIT: Thanks to RobW for pointing me towards a solution. I'm going to try and describe it here so that others can benefit. My solution uses snmptools and blat (links in the accepted answer).
I wrote a script called pagecount.bat which looks like this:
@FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('C:\SNMPTools\snmptools.exe /v /query /h: /o:') DO set deviceName=%%i
@FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('C:\SNMPTools\snmptools.exe /v /query /h: /o:') DO set pageCount=%%i
ECHO %deviceName% %pageCount% > C:\SNMPTools\results.txt
@FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('C:\SNMPTools\snmptools.exe /v /query /h: /o:') DO set deviceName=%%i
@FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('C:\SNMPTools\snmptools.exe /v /query /h: /o:') DO set pageCount=%%i
ECHO %deviceName% %pageCount% >> C:\SNMPTools\results.txt
The first block uses the >
operator to overwrite the file results.txt and subsequent blocks use the >>
operator to append to the file. At the bottom of the file I have the following line:
C:\blat276\full\blat.exe C:\SNMPTools\results.txt -to [email protected] -subject "Printer page counts"
And the results are sent to the specified e-mail address.
Prior to running this script, I have configured blat on the server using the command
blat -install mail.example.com [email protected]
This configuration only needs to be done once so it's not part of the script.
After some testing and being satisfied with the results, I set up a scheduled task to run the script at 12:05 AM on the first day of every month. Once I have two months-worth of data, the numbers can be subtracted from each other to determine the total pages printed during the month for each device. These results can then be multiplied by their respective cost per page and summed to get the total printing costs for the month.
We have a maintenance agreement on our photocopiers, so the cost per page is listed on the quarterly invoice. For our regular printers, the cost per page can be calculated by dividing the cost of a toner cartridge by the specified yield of that cartridge.
After you have your first set of monthly printing costs, the challenge is to try to reduce the costs next month. One possibility is to switch the locations of some printers so that the cheaper to operate printers are in the higher volume areas.
BTW: All this math is being done in an Excel spreadsheet.