I am trying to figure out the proper way to update/upgrade a deb package using puppet from a local source deb file. My current config looks like this...
class adobe-air-2-0-4 {
file { "/opt/air-debs":
ensure => directory
file { "/opt/air-debs/adobeair-2.0.4.deb":
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 644,
ensure => present,
source => "puppet://puppet/adobe-air-2-0-4/adobeair-2.0.4.deb"
package { "adobeair":
provider => dpkg,
ensure => installed,
source => "/opt/air-debs/adobeair-2.0.4.deb"
I first copy the deb file down to the client machine and then use 'package' with the provider set to 'dpkg'. This works and I get the correct version installed.
My question is what is the proper way to update this package in the future. Can I simply change out the source file and puppet will know that it's a different version and update this package? How does puppet determine what version of a package it has installed versus the version of the source deb file?
I am pretty new to puppet, so if you have an suggestions for improvements to my existing config they are very much appreciated.