We have an nginx server that, in some contexts, receives sensitive data in the HTTP username field. More specifically, it's an API key that clients are sending like curl -u "$API_KEY:" ...
The default nginx access_log format includes $remote_user, which writes the entire client API key into the access log and taints the file with sensitive data. I know I can define a different log_format that omits the $remote_user variable entirely, however I can see cases where having at least a hint about who the client was could be enormously helpful for log correlation or incident response. Is there a way to configure nginx to store a severely truncated copy of $remote_user in the access log instead of the full value from the client? (i.e. ABCDEFGH12345678
becomes ABCD*
or something along those lines.)
(It also goes without saying I don't want to wreck the actual REMOTE_USER type variables that the WSGI backend relies on for authentication.)
This is nginx 1.10.3, as shipped in the default Debian Stretch repos.