Our webservers with static content are experiencing strange 3 second latencies occasionally. Typically, an ApacheBench run (> 10000 requests, concurrency 1 or 40, no difference, but keepalive off) looks like this:
Connection Times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median max Connect: 2 10 152.8 3 3015 Processing: 2 8 34.7 3 663 Waiting: 2 8 34.7 3 663 Total: 4 19 157.2 6 3222 Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 6 66% 7 75% 7 80% 7 90% 9 95% 11 98% 223 99% 225 100% 3222 (longest request)
I have tried many things: - Apache2 2.2.9 with worker or prefork MPM, no difference (with KeepAliveTimeout 10-15) - Nginx 0.6.32 - various tcp parameters (net.core.somaxconn=3000, net.ipv4.tcp_sack=0, net.ipv4.tcp_dsack=0) - putting the files/DocumentRoot on tmpfs - shorewall on or off (i.e. empty iptables or not) - AllowOverride None is on for /, so no .htaccess checks (verified with strace) - the problem persists whether the webservers are accessed directly or through a Foundry load balancer
Kernel is 2.6.32 (Debian Lenny backports), but it occurred with 2.6.26 also. IPv6 is enabled, but not used.
Does the issue look familiar to anyone? Help/suggestions are much appreciated. It sounds a bit like a SYN,ACK packet getting lost or ignored.