I installed dnstop to monitor my nameserver running bind9 and was surprised to see it being queried for other domains that I don't host. I am just wondering if this is normal behaviour, or have I configured something incorrectly? Edit: I just had a thought.. is this my local machine querying itself? I am running a webserver on this box too..
Queries: 1 new, 483 total Mon Jan 19 22:00:37 2015
Query Name Count % cum%
------------------------------- --------- ------ ------
omeee.ga 218 45.1 45.1
canonical.com 47 9.7 54.9
spamcop.net 35 7.2 62.1
google.com 16 3.3 65.4
phocks.org 14 2.9 68.3
com.tr 13 2.7 71.0
spamhaus.org 11 2.3 73.3
mediacenter.hu 9 1.9 75.2
jazztel.es 9 1.9 77.0
hol.gr 8 1.7 78.7
rr.com 6 1.2 79.9
com.ar 5 1.0 81.0
mollom.com 5 1.0 82.0
amyhendicott.ga 5 1.0 83.0
yahoo.com 4 0.8 83.9
googlemail.com 4 0.8 84.7
sbb.rs 3 0.6 85.3
fricktal.info 3 0.6 85.9
wanadoo.fr 3 0.6 86.5
co.nz 3 0.6 87.2
boydcycles.com 2 0.4 87.6
alicedsl.de 2 0.4 88.0
sealion.com 2 0.4 88.4
tpsa.pl 2 0.4 88.8
comunitel.net 2 0.4 89.2
capecodhurricanes.org 2 0.4 89.6
buddhistcouncilofqueensland.org 2 0.4 90.1
hostnet.nl 2 0.4 90.5
onlinehome-server.com 2 0.4 90.9
193.in-addr.arpa 2 0.4 91.3
gregpoulgrain.ga 2 0.4 91.7