My clients domain has various 2012R2, 2016 and 2019 Windows Server versions. Two of the four domain controllers are running Windows 2012R2 and the ADMX files haven't been updated in years. The other two domain controllers are Windows 2019 and they have the FSMO roles assigned to them.
I hope to have all 2012 instances retired for good shortly, including the DC's. Since the ADMX files haven't been updated in years I am unable to apply certain GPO's to the 2016 and 2019 instances which will become a security issue shortly. Since my environment will consist of 2016 and 2019 servers, what is the best policy or method I should use for updating the ADMX files?
From what I've read most people suggest the Central PolicyDefinitions Store option but I wasn't sure if this is a good idea since I'm running multiple OS versions in my environment. Are there any other approaches to updating the ADMX files I should consider considering the make up of my environment?
If I don't use the Central Store option, would I need to download the ADMX files to the C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions folder locally on each domain controller in order to apply the latest settings to GPO's, or would I have to download ADMX file to C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions on all domain members/servers in order for servers to receive updated gpo settings?
I've never had to update ADMX files so any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!