I had a 30 GB machine and I run out space. Then, via the VMWare Workstation GUI, I have extended that space.
It got to "unallocated space" at first, then I tried to extend it with gparted
, but no luck, there is not option to resize it.
Then, I have tried this:
But I got no output from:
So I cannot extend it.
I have tried manually to do:
pvcreate -ff /dev/sda3
vgcreate "name" /dev/sda3
vgextend name /dev/sda3
but got:
Physical volume '/dev/sda3' is already in volume group 'name'
Unable to add physical volume '/dev/sda3' to volume group 'name'
/dev/sda3: physical volume not initialized.
Seems like a rathole =/