I am spending the past 3 hours of finding ways to release Google Compute Engine API In-use IP addresses as I have 8/8 in use. I googled, read the manuals but there is no way of releasing it anywhere in the console. I am trying to setup a Rails app. When compiling it got stuck with errors as I didn't provide the correct socket for DB (which doesn't really matter here). When getting stuck I released with hitting Ctrl+C in my terminal and that I assume is the issue. - I am brand new to Google Cloud, hence I can only assume.
The error message:
ERROR: (gcloud.app.deploy) Error Response: [400] The following quotas were exceeded: IN_USE_ADDRESSES (quota: 8, used: 8 + needed: 2).
Here visualised in the console:
When I click within the console on compute engines I am only being asked if I want to create one. There is no other option.
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you.