I have an older Typo3 (v4.5.x) site and since a while my server is under attack by a script kiddie. He sends quite some PHP requests of URLs which do not exists on my server. I got so many PHP 500 errors back and after a while the number of parallel php processes are exceeding the limit and my site is down and unreachable for a while.
Any idea what I can do? How can I avoid that such non-existent URLs get not processed?
If I looking at these requests and google around there are all about some vulnerabilites of wordpress or joomla. Does anybody know if there exists some lists of such kind of requests which can be added to a filter/blocking lists on apache level? i.e.
- templates/atomic/system.php
- wp-content/languages/system.php
- wp-admin/images/system.php
- plugins/captcha/jproicaptcha.php
- modules/cgi.php
- modules/mod_articless/func.php
- tmp/install.css.php
- ...