I have an odd problem. I have a farm of 8 Citrix terminal servers, running Server 2003 Std x86. The hardware on all servers is identical and all servers were built from the same image. Late last week, one the servers started having a problem where any file, when opened by double-clicking, seems to lock explorer.exe for about 2 minutes (I've timed it multiple times, anywhere from 2:09 to 2:40) after which point the file eventually opens. The file can be .txt, .doc, .xls, .jpg, etc. HOWEVER, if I open the required program first (notepad, Excel, whatever) and go to File/Open the file opens without incident.
I've tried running ProcessMonitor while the explorer 'lock' is occurring and I can't find a smoking gun (it's possible that it's there, but with 18,000+ lines it'll take a while to track it down even using filters).
I've started the server in Safe Mode and files open normally (without the lock). Subsequently I've tried stopping every service I can (while started normally) without success.
I've uninstalled AV (Symantec EAP 11) without any positive impact. The event logs are clean and none of the other servers are experiencing this problem.
Does anyone have any thoughts?