This should be a simple thing to find, but I've spent over an hour on it--time to ask for some assistance. I have a very basic CentOS 5.5 box running two virtual machines. The first machine has been up for several weeks without any issues and accepts connections over 80 and 443 with a signed SSL cert.
Today I went in to add a second Virtual Host entry for a site that will only need to listen on 80. I set up the VM as I normally do, created a SIMPLE index.php script that contains only the word 'test'.
If I mv that file to index.html the page loads just fine, but when it is index.php I get a 500 error:
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.
In my logs I get no errors but the access log shows:
[11/May/2011:11:35:26 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_7) AppleWebKit/534.24 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/11.0.696.65 Safari/534.24"
The original site is a PHP/MySQL site and is working just fine! At this point I am just out of ideas for where to look so any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,