We attempted to configure the permissions of a Registry key (HKLM\Software) via GPO. (https://www.stigviewer.com/stig/windows_server_2019/2019-12-12/finding/V-93025)
However this resulted in a necessary "Capability SID" (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/what-the-heck-account-unknowns-1-15-3-1024/65852c0e-d185-4eef-abfb-967263519cc0?page=2) being removed from the permissions.
Unfortunately there's no way to manually add a SID via the GPMC GP Editor. You must search for an existing user but "Capability SIDs" have no user mapping by design.
Is there a way to get this SID back in the registry permissions via Domain GPO?