I mounted a local Jenkins Build Server in a local Docker Container and exposed ports 8080 both from the host to the Jenkins container.
I want to test the integration of Jenkins with Azure DevOps so Jenkins is the build server for the project.
I simply used the official jenkins/jenkins Docker image from Docker Hub and ran it like so:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name jenkins jenkins/jenkins
Container is reachable from localhost:8080
and responds well.
Windows 10 Pro
In Windows 10 Firewall I created two port rules:
- Inbound, TCP, Local Port: All, Remote Port: All
- Inbound, UDP, Local Port: All, Remote Port: All
Bell Fibe HomeHub 2000
I created a port forwarding for my IP address which the modem did assosciate to the correct computer where the Docker container is running.
When I try to access my [public ip address]:80
that I obtain by googling "what's my ip address", I hit this page.
Related SF Question
Webserver in Docker container is not reachable via the Internet
And I'm unsure as to how to proceed or even if it's necessary. I'm rather a software architect than a system admin, and I don't really understand the need of a Docker network if my ports forwarding is right.