I am running Ubuntu 18 (well, really Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu 18 distro). I have installed redis 4.0.9. If I start it with no config specified, it works out ok:
However, if I start it using the default config file that installed, it throws an error:
Why would this be? I modified the default earlier but then I uninstalled with --purge and reinstalled redis-server to get back the original default config. Still the error persists.
You can see the loaded config that's causing me trouble here: https://defuse.ca/b/g4wHiT0SlX0AUcpuSpgx3v
I posted this on StackOverflow after realizing that there may be the better forum since there are only a couple of hundred qs about redis here, but over 15,000 there. Sorry about the duplication.